ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
ecp training courses for professionals - child protection

Katrina Curtis

Associate Consultant

I have an extensive background in policing and safeguarding children and adults. From personal and professional experiences, I know that at some point, we all endure seemingly negative experiences. When adversity comes our way, how we respond to it is important. Although adversity brings fear, anxiety, and many other emotions; it's determination, resilience and persistence that will help us most through these difficult times. I want to support children and young people to look beyond each situation and ask themselves, "How can I make it better?" I want them to consider what choices and support they have.

I believe all children should be free from harm, abuse and neglect. I want to enable children to grow in confidence, awareness, resilience, leadership and emotional wellbeing. I believe we do this daily through our work here at ECP.

As the Online Safety Ambassador, I believe that Online Safety is about being aware of the nature of the possible threats that you could encounter whilst engaging in activity through the Internet. Once the risks are managed, the internet can be enjoyed free from harm and to enormous benefit.

My role is to ensure that as an organisation we provide the most up-to-date training to children, parents, carers and professionals regarding Online Safety. I also ensure that our website provides the most accurate and currant information for everybody. This is done through my management of our monthly newsletter, vlogging, articles, social media and shareable resources. Our aim is to help develop children’s digital resilience. I want children to be able to recognise risk, seek support and know how to report.

ECP Safeguarding
Office 214, 2nd Floor, Titan Court
3 Bishop Square, Hatfield
Hertfordshire, AL10 9NA

Tel: 01727 641395
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