ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
Course Outline

Statutory training meeting the requirement of the ‘robust 3-yearly training’ for whole staff communities in early years settings. Exploring Duty of Care in line with national guidance and local safeguarding children’s partnership procedures as well as the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the EYFS (2024).

This training includes:

  • Exploration of the four categories of abuse including indicators of concern
  • Listening to children
  • Implementing the Prevent duty
  • Familial risk factors including domestic abuse
  • Honour-Based Abuse (HBA including FGM, Female Genital Mutilation)
  • Whistle-blowing and staff professional behaviour
  • The role of the DSL
  • Process of recording and reporting concerns

Target Audience

Whole staff communities in early years provisions.


Choose a date to suit you - the self-paced course will be available for you to complete within 4 weeks.


What level training is this course?

Since the implementation of Safeguarding Partnerships, most sectors have moved away from using the term ‘levels’. The expectation is that you will undertake training which is relevant to the role you take in the organisation.

For example: Child Protection Awareness – would be completed by every member of a staff community that works in an Early Years Setting.

Child Protection Awareness training would have previously been known as level 1 – basic child protection training.

What is the difference between face-to-face, live virtual, and pre-recorded training options?

As far as possible, our Child Protection Awareness training is as close to being the same as they can be! All the required content is covered to the highest standard, and we aim to keep as much interaction and engagement in all of our sessions as we do in our face-to-face training.

Face-to-face is our preferred method of training, but we know this is not always possible so have made our live virtual and pre-recorded courses available so you don’t have to miss out on being able to make a booking.

Do I need this training for my organisation

This training is a statutory requirement for all members of your staff community to complete and renew at least once every 3 years – alongside annual safeguarding update training.

Will I receive a certificate?

You will receive a PDF certificate for attending our training sessions. This training with ECP is CPD certified for you and your Organisation’s single central training record. You need to ensure you are available and engaged for the full duration of the training session in order to receive your certificate.

How far in advance can I book the training?

You can book your training as far in advance as you like! If you know your training will be up for renewal then we recommend booking as soon as possible, however our self-paced training courses can be made available within 48 hours (if booking forms are submitted on a week day).

How many people can I book onto this training?

You can book as many delegates access to this course as you need, however if you have more than 10 delegates who need this training, we recommend you book this course for your organisation - avoiding capacity limitations – and this will work out more cost effective than paying per person. You can find more information on booking this course for your organisation here.

How do I book this training?

Our training is booked using the online booking form via the ‘BOOK NOW’ button on the Course tab of this page. Once completed, you will receive confirmation that your form has been submitted, then you will receive an email confirmation of your booking.

If you would like to contact us to check availability or ask any further questions before completing the booking form, please call us on 01727 641395 or via the chat function on the website.

What information will I need in order to make a booking?

To complete our booking form, we will need to know names and email addresses of who will be accessing the training, the date you would like access to begin, and invoicing details of how payment will be made.

Once the booking form is submitted, we will contact you if we have any further questions.


It will help me massively to be more aware when it comes to detect abusive signs and how to act according to that. Very informative and well delivered training.
The Play People

It has built my confidence on how to respond and react to safeguarding concerns. Great information and delivered in a way that was easy to understand and take in.

It showed how important our roles of Nursery Assistants are, key in safeguarding children. It is always so important to be reminded of this and my responsibility to children in my care. Very informative training session. Engaging and with the quizzes, videos, discussions and polls.
Monkey Puzzle Day Nurseries

ECP Safeguarding
Office 214, 2nd Floor, Titan Court
3 Bishop Square, Hatfield
Hertfordshire, AL10 9NA

Tel: 01727 641395
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