ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
Course Outline

ECP provides accredited training through the Safer Recruitment Consortium, meeting the standard of training consistent with the Local Authority offer of Safer Recruitment Training. By undertaking Safer Recruitment Consortium endorsed training this assures you that: The content is up to date, relevant and sector specific. ECP now belongs to a national network of trained and accredited facilitators. Your training will meet the standards required by the DfE in Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2024).

Target Audience

CEO’s, Heads, Governors, Senior Leaders and HR and recruitment representatives responsible for the management and implementation of the recruitment process. Minimum requirement is that the Head/Principal, named governor and 1 member of every interview panel has been Safer Recruitment trained.


What level training is this course?

Since the implementation of Safeguarding Partnerships, most sectors have moved away from using the term ‘levels’. The expectation is that you will undertake training which is relevant to the role you take in the organisation.

This course is certified by the Safer Recruitment Consortium.

Do I need this training for my role?

This training is a statutory requirement for a minimum of one member of your recruitment panel to complete. There is no renewal requirement for this training qualification, however best practice is that it is renewed every 2 years.

What is the difference between face-to-face and live virtual training options?

As far as possible, our Safer Recruitment training is as close to being the same regardless of delivery method as they can be! All the required content is covered to the highest standard, and we aim to keep as much interaction and engagement in all of our sessions as we do in our face-to-face training.

Face-to-face is our preferred method of training, but we know this is not always possible so have made our live virtual courses available so you don’t have to miss out on being able to access our courses.

I only have a few members of staff that need to complete this training, what is the best option?

ECP run this course for individuals on our training platform as a live virtual training. You can find the details for this on our courses for individuals page of our website.

For these courses the price is per person and you can book multiple spaces for your staff.

Will I receive a certificate?

You will receive a PDF certificate for attending our training sessions. Safer Recruitment Training with ECP is certified by the Safer Recruitment Consortium. You need to ensure you are available and engaged for the full duration of the training session in order to receive your certificate.

How far in advance can I book the training?

You can book your training as far in advance as you like! Some times of the year are especially busy (E.G inset days) so we advise you book up to a year or more in advance, especially if there is a specific date and time you would like to secure. If you know your training will be up for renewal the sooner you get the training date confirmed the more likely ECP will have availability to deliver your training.

How many people can I book onto this training?

The maximum number of delegates that can attend this training course is 20.

If you have more than 20 delegates who need this training, please contact us in advance.

If you are a consortium of schools or a trust, please contact us for a quote regarding a group booking.

How do I book this training?

Our training is booked using the online booking form via the ‘BOOK NOW’ button on the Course tab of this page. Once completed, you will receive confirmation that your form has been submitted, then you will receive an email confirmation of your booking. Bookings are not confirmed until you have received this email.

If you would like to contact us to check availability or ask any further questions before completing the booking form, please call us on 01727 641395 or via the chat function on the website.

All availability is managed on a first come first served basis and we cannot reserve places, so by completing the booking form quickly you are most likely to get your preferred date.

What information will I need in order to make a booking?

To complete our booking form, we will need to know the name and email address of who will be accessing the training, which date you would like to access, and invoicing details of how payment will be made.

Once the booking form is submitted, we will contact you if we have any further questions.


Excellent. Firm, clear and supportive in all the right ways. Integral to recruitment confidence and procedures.

I will be far more aware about the information gained and apply it both in my own school and as governor. Excellent content and highly engaging

Excellent for improvement of HR admin and processes. Nicole’s subject expertise was brilliant

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ECP Safeguarding
Office 214, 2nd Floor, Titan Court
3 Bishop Square, Hatfield
Hertfordshire, AL10 9NA

Tel: 01727 641395
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