ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
ECP Safeguarding – Training and Services
Course Outline

This dynamic, high quality session will provide professionals with an up-to-date CPD experience. Areas of focus from ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2024):

  • Awareness of Child on Child Abuse, and the lived experiences for pupils today both online and offline
  • Recognise the early indicators of Child on Child Abuse
  • Understanding what constitutes harmful sexual behaviour
  • Examining the definitions of sexual harassment and sexual violence, including online sexual abuse
  • Creating a culture of openness (in relation to hearing disclosures) and supporting children to bring issues to trusted adults
  • Responding effectively to concerns when identified or reported

Target Audience

For any staff working with secondary age children.

Please contact for individual sessions pricing.


How is this training delivered?

Our spotlights are offered as a pre-recorded training resource that will be shared with you via link that can be accessed by you and your team.

Full instructions of how to access our training platform will be sent to you and we will always be on hand to support you with any queries.

Our pre-recorded training is shared for a one-week period of your choice, and can be accessed at any time during the 7 days you have the training booked with us.

I struggle to get all of my staff available at one time to complete training, what is my best option?

You can join ECP’s Safeguarding Society. By becoming a member with ECP, you can have unlimited access to a recorded version of ALL of our spotlights – as well as other vital courses – via our training platform throughout the academic year.

Staff will then be able to log onto your membership portal and complete the training at a time that suits them – and you!

Do I need this training for my role?

The KCSIE guidance and Ofsted inspection framework stipulates that staff need to complete training on specific issues including CSE, CCE, Mental Health, Online Safety and Child on Child Abuse. These spotlights have been designed to ensure that your teams meet these requirements as well as empower you with the knowledge you need to respond with confidence while supporting your pupils.

Will I receive a Certificate?

You will receive a PDF certificate for attending our training sessions. You need to ensure you are available and engaged for the full duration of the training session in order to receive your certificate.

How far in advance can I book the training?

You can book your training as far in advance as you like! Some times of the year are especially busy (E.G inset days) so we advise you book up to a year or more in advance, especially if there is a specific date and time you would like to secure. If you know your training will be up for renewal the sooner you get the training date confirmed the more likely ECP will have availability to deliver your training.

How do I book this training?

Our training is booked using the online booking form via the ‘BOOK NOW’ button on the Course tab of this page. Once completed, you will receive confirmation that your form has been submitted, then you will receive an email confirmation of your booking. Bookings are not confirmed until you have received this as we may have questions we need to ask you or the date you request may not be available.

If you would like to contact us to check availability or ask any further questions before completing the booking form, please call us on 01727 641395 or via the chat function on the website.

All availability is managed on a first come first served basis and we cannot reserve dates, so by completing the booking form quickly you are most likely to get your preferred date.

What information will I need in order to make a booking?

To complete our booking form, we will need to know how many delegates will be accessing the training, which date you would like the training to be delivered, and invoicing details of how payment will be made.

Once the booking form is submitted, we will contact you if we have any further questions.


ECP Safeguarding
Office 214, 2nd Floor, Titan Court
3 Bishop Square, Hatfield
Hertfordshire, AL10 9NA

Tel: 01727 641395
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